El dissabte dia 22 de Juny ens vàrem reunir unes quantes mares: La Karina, l’Estrella, l’ i la Laia. Vàrem decidir que formaríem un cau per la mainada i que a partir del mes de setembre ens trobaríem el primer dissabte de cada mes de 10:00-12:00. També vàrem decidir que cada mes, un pare/mare seria responsable d’organitzar una activitat cultural catalana (relacionada amb aquell mes) i que ens trobaríem a casa d’aquell pare/mare que organitzés l’activitat. En cas que els encarregats d’organitzar l’activitat no tinguessin prou espai es podria organitzar l’activitat a casa d’altres membres del cau. I sempre queda com a alternativa la casa de la Laia ja que hi ha un jardí gran pels nens.
Vàrem decidir que començaríem el mes de setembre.

Les següents mares s’ocuparien d’una activitat:

Setembre: Karina-San Pedro
Octubre: Estrella- San Pedro
Novembre: Buena Park
Desembre- Laia -LongBeach

També es va dir que si cal el pare/mare pot demanar ajuda per organitzar l’activitat. És important tenir en compte que no tots els pares/mares interessats/des varen poder participar en aquesta reunió. Ens podem comunicar per internet i fer canvis. Ens agradaria saber l’opinió de tots els pares/mares interessats/es. Si ets un pare/mare interessat/da en el cau, respon a aquest email i digues la teva opinió i sisplau, feu córrer la veu. o


Laia i

On Saturday June 22nd, some of the mothers interested in forming a children’s club (cau) had a meeting (Karina, Estrella, and Laia). We decided we would organize a “cau” and that we would met the first Saturday of every month from 10:00-12:00 starting the month of September. We also decided that every month, one parent would be in charge of organizing a cultural activity (related to that month) and that we would meet at the home of the parent organizing the activity. We talked about the fact that if that parent does not have enough space at his or her home, he or she can ask other parents to host the event at their home. We also talked about Laia’s home having a nice and big garden and  always being an option for hosting the activity.
We decided that starting the month of September, the following parents would be in charge of the activities for each month:

September: Karina-San Pedro
October: Estrella- San Pedro
November: Buena Park
December- Laia – Long Beach

Also,  parents organizing the activity should feel free to ask for help to the others parents, in case they need it.

It is important to keep in mind that not all the parents interested in forming  a”cau” came to the meeting. We can communicate with each other via internet and make any changes needed. If you are a parent interested in  the “cau” please let us know your opinion and pass the word along. or

Thank you

Laia and

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