Hola a tothom,

Aquest dissabte 7 de setembre és el primer dissabte de CAU del Casal. La Karina Gaete-Llanos serà la que organitza l’activitat. (porteu els banyadors, farà calor).

Ens reunirem a casa seva al matí de 10 a 12pm. 1430 S Wycliff Ave., San Pedro, CA 90732

Porteu esmorzar/dinar/per picar per els nens, la Karina tindrà begudes per tothom.
Els pares no que varen poder venir a la primera reunió, estan benvinguts. Si us plau, feu-li saber a la Karina que veniu.

Moltes gràcies

Hello everybody,

This Saturday, September 7th is the first Saturday of the Children’s Club of Casal. Karina Gaete-Llanos will organize the activity. (bring swimsuit). We will meet at her home in the morning from 10 am to 12pm.

1430 S Wycliff Ave., San Pedro, CA 90732.

Bring breakfast/lunch/snacks for your children, Karina will have drinks for everyone.The parents who were not able to come to the first meeting, are welcome. Please let Karina know you are coming.


karina_gl @ hotmail. com

Thank you very much.

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