La Castanyada “Potluck” 2016 del Casal

Veniu a celebrar la tradicional festa catalana de la Castanyada!

Hi haurà panellets i castanyes calentetes.
Porteu un plat per compartir “Potluck”.
El Casal posarà les begudes.
Hi haurà un taller per aprendre a fer els panellets per els adults i nens que hi estiguin interessats.
Veniu amb la família i amics a passar una bona estona amb bona companyia i bon menjar.

Diumenge dia 13 de Novembre
De les 12 a les 5 de la tarda
Club House
3431 Artesia Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90504

Per arribar al Club House podeu entrar pel “driveway” de la dreta del davant de l’edifici. La sala està al costat de la piscina.
Es pot aparcar al carrer Artesia o Yukon o fins i tot al pàrquing de la biblioteca que està a l’altre costat del carrer.
Qui vulgui es podrà banyar a la piscina. Porteu la vostra tovallola.

Us hi esperem a tots!
Per qualsevol pregunta contacteu a la Montse Rejos al 310 538 1920 o truqueu a casa seva. # 16

Si és possible confirmeu la vostra assistència a o trucant al 310 383 0619

Fins el dia 13!

Let’s celebrate Fall with the Catalan tradition “La Castanyada” with “panellets” almond cookies and chestnuts .
It is a potluck so, bring your best dish to share. Casal will provide the beverages
Children and adults who may be interested can make their own “panellets” on site as well.
So, come on and bring your family and friends and have a great time!

Sunday November 13
From 12pm to 5pm
At the Club House
On 3431 Artesia Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90504

To get to the Club House you walk to the front of the building and come inside through the driveway on the right. Walk toward the pool and the Club House is there.
You can park on Artesia or Yukon or even in the parking lot of the library across the street.
There is a pool as well with showers and restrooms. Bring your own towel if you plan on using the pool.
If you have any questions, you may call Montse Rejos at 310-538-1920 or ring the doorbell of unit 16.

Hope to see you all there!
If possible, confirm that you will be attending emailing or calling 310 383 0619

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